European Centre
for Circular Construction
and Transformation
Welcome to the ECCBT
The European Center for Circular Building and Transformatione
Our broad and deep network is imbued with both the ecological urgency and socio-eco-nomic potential of the circular revolution. From Heerlen to Hasselt and from Liège to Aachen, partners hailing from the private sector, government, and academia come converge in the ECCBT to collaboratively and transnationally build the circular economy of the future.
Built on a consortium of dozens of partners from the three countries of our Euregion, we, as a transnational ecosystem, are more than the sum of our parts. At the ECCBT, we strive for synergistic success by integrating circular knowledge, expertise, and policy. Through collective meetings, research, and concrete projects, we are jointly brin-ging a truly circular construction sector closer every day.
Vision & Mission
If the broader transition to a sustainable society is a journey, then circularity, in our view, is the destination. In a sustainable circular economy, existing materials are no longer discarded but endlessly reused as raw materials for new creations. This shift towards circular consumption and production systems halts the ongoing depletion of the Earth and brings our way of life into harmony with ecological limits.
Founded on this vision, ECCBT serves as a HUB where knowledge and experience regarding circularity and sustainability in the construction sector can be shared, consolidated, and implemented.

Our mission is to bridge the current gap between market parties, (semi-)government entities, and educational and knowledge institutions. Despite existing relationships, we find that collaboration around circularity does not always lead to the necessary synergy to definitively redirect linear systems in construction towards circular and sustainable alternatives. Read more…
The European Center for Circular Building and Transformation is made possible by a close collaboration of a diverse ecosystem of stakeholders and shareholders, all driven to promote the circular transition. From educational institutions to market players and (semi-)government entities, our partnership aims to gather, develop, and disseminate knowledge and best practices related to circularity in the construction sector.
Through these collective efforts, we strive to stimulate a wide range of circular initiatives, both within and beyond the Parkstad region and the Euregio. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, we aim to provide a strong impetus to the circular transition, ultimately creating a sustainable and livable future for everyone.
Our consortium consists of a broad and deep transnational range of partners from the private sector, the (semi)public sector, and academia. Entry into the consortium is possible through consultation.

GTB Lab develops and tests new concepts and tools for a systemic shift towards a circular economy in the building sector.

In the circular area development SUPERLOCAL, materials from two vacant high-rise flats were reused in the construction of approximately 130 new homes and the design of the public space.

The old headquarters of the Dutch State Mines was acquired by the housing corpora-tion Wonen Limburg at the end of 2023. They aim to transform the building as circularly as possible into a nature-inclusive, mixed residential environment. This transformation is guided by CollaborAll as the first Circular Build Hub within the Dutch Metropolitan In-novations ecosystem, led by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
About us
ECCBT envisions a future where such collaboration takes shape. A future where sustai-nability is not just an aspiration but becomes the standard in the construction sector. We believe in a world where circularity is not only embraced but also integrated into every aspect of construction, from design to demolition.
With a focus on economic, ecological, and social aspects, ECCBT aims to position Parkstad and the Euregio as pioneers in the circular transition. By embracing new business models, data-driven process innovation, innovative material solutions, and circular standards, we aim to be a driving force for economic growth, employment, and social progress. Our center aims to serve as an inspiration and knowledge hub for regions and stakeholders committed to the necessary circular transition for both humanity and na-ture.
This pivotal role aligns with our Euregio, with Parkstad as a hub and Heerlen, the pio-neering city, as the home base for our center. Here, in the transnational mining region, we keenly feel the urgency of transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable resources. On the same ground where coal was once extracted, we now aim to lead in the reuse of materials from the built environment. From a coal mining region to an urban mining region – in this objective, our vision and mission converge.
Read the comprehensive mission statement signed by all consortium members
Advisory Council
Christa Reicher
RWTH Aachen
Astrid Boeien
Brightlands Chemelot Campus
Felix Heisel
Cornell University
Ger Peeters
Wonen Limburg & Aedes
Theo Bastiaens
Open University
Jeanette Oostijen
Vista College
Johan Janssen
Bouwend Nederland Regio Zuid
Chris Slaets
Embuild Limburg
André Postema
Zuyd University of Appleid Sciences

+31 (0)6 1299 2972